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Sex Work and the Occult: Prosperity Magick 101

Updated: Feb 7

The word "occult" simply means "hidden knowledge." Sex workers have historically been hidden away in red light districts, our voices silenced, literally walled in, separated from "civilized" society. Even today, the legal brothels in Nevada are referred to as "pussy prisons" because the SW's there are fined every time they leave, unable to live normal lives amongst the community. They're housed together, separate, othered, paying a fee every time they leave the brothel premises.

SW's know what it is to be hidden in person, black sheepified within families, and online, leading many of us to seek power through hidden means. Energy work, or magick, is misunderstood and mocked by those not able to access it's power due to their faith only in (self) hate, greed, and the physical, material world. Science, which is simply a set of probabilities and not some ultimate truth, is the religion of our modern age.

But more of us are awakening during this current Age of Aquarius and questioning the mainstream narratives that have led to so much hurt, negativity and oppression. If you're reading this, it's because you're also seeking a new path, willing to take a leap of faith into the unknown.

Knock, the the door will be opened to you.

Before I explain how "magick" (often spelled with a "k" to distinguish it from stage tricks or Hogwart's fantasies) has brought me immense prosperity, and continues to change who I am while bringing me healing on many levels, I first have to define how I see magick. Before we can use magick, we must first think, ruminate, and digest information. This isn't going to be easy, but if we want to heal and live fulfilled lives, we must first face our shadow.

“Magick comes in many forms, and there are many covert master magicians who are so covert that they don't even know they are magicians.” - Christopher Penczak

Magick As Healing

Hecate is the Three Headed Goddess of Magick, Witches, the Moon, Necromancy, Death AKA Rebirth
Hecate is the Three Headed Goddess of Magick, Witches, the Moon, Necromancy, Death AKA Rebirth

According to respected thought leaders like Dr. Gabor Mate, our modern money, greed and image obsessed society is killing us. Most people have a health condition, be it a mental health or physical health condition because we're traumatized under this selfish, greed/power based system we're forced to buy into. We sit on social media and behind screens, disconnected, unable to see and feel one another's humanity. We self sooth with harmful, addictive behaviors like shopping, addictions to power, work, attention, substances. We numb out, severing ourselves with pharmaceuticals.

Disliking what we've become, subconsciously knowing this isn't who we're meant to be, we project our insecurities onto others, focusing on and creating negativity/hate, in order to quell the dark thoughts seeping in.

But there is a narrow way through. A way to cocreate a new self, to heal wounds and live a joyous, prosperous, abundant, loving live.

Magic isn't following a series of steps (sprinkle salt, light a candle, say a word). It requires a deeper understanding of the laws of nature, energy and intent.

This is not for those who don't think deeply and are only concerned with the material world. This is not for those who want a quick fix. This is not for those who think more money/the material world will bring them happiness. But money is necessary to survive and discussing it will make you click the link and read this post... So forgive my slight clickbaitery. We will address prosperity soon. Please bear with me because we must comprehend certain concepts before even attempting to practice prosperity magick.

Is Magick for You?

Magick IS for those who ponder and live in our heads, residing in the ether, the other planes of existence. If you fantasize a lot then you'll excel at magick.

Those who are called to the moon, who find peace visiting bodies of water, who seek out that which the divine created (nature): rocks, flowers, animals. I would sit on my bed and stare up at the moon as a child, drawn to her mysteriously illuminated face. Cats, usually black, followed me home and would yowl outside of my window during dark, frozen nights when I was in my darkest hours, seeking to comfort me, telling me, "Hold on. Hold on, for you are Chosen to heal yourself and others by the power of your words alone."

If you're interested in the words I'm writing: This is your calling. You have natural gifts. We all do, but some are more naturally gifted. If you are interested in magick and want to practice it, guess what: You can. Stop second guessing yourself because that's what they want you to do.

They don't want us to understand our power and unplug from the Matrix. (Insert a photo of me as Morpheus holding one red pill and one blue pill. The choice to reclaim our power is ours).

Do you feel different? Isolated, even among friends? The universe tends to isolate those of us who are meant for this work, making life uncomfortable enough until we're finally pushed into making a change, because we're desperate. Spirit (the universe, a higher energy, Godess, ancestors, however you define a higher power) made my life so painful that I had no choice: It was either give up, or take a leap of faith.

Even though I didn't really believe at first, I started slowly practicing. Baby steps led me to finally develop a fully fledged eclectic or "paradigm shifting" earth based spirituality practice. I learned how to cast a circle from a few random books and moved on from there to candle magick. Candles represents the four elements/spirits/energies: earth, fire, water, air so working with them can be a transformational process.

Once we open the door to seeking answers and help from the energies/spirits of nature (fire has a spirit, air has a spirit, plants have various energies that can be worked with), they are with us forever. If we knock, they will answer.

Miracles Will Occur

La Santisima Muerte cuts down obstacles to prosperity for her devotees, Mexican or not.
La Santisima Muerte cuts down obstacles to prosperity for her devotees, Mexican or not.

Once these concept are understood and felt, explored at a very deep personal level: Miracles will occur. We are our own priests. Christianity, and most organized religions, turn us off from the idea of the divine because of dogma and discrimination. We feel powerless, told that only a priest can work with spirit.

We're told that there's an angry white male God, waiting to banish us to hell for putting peen in vag. It's nonsensical and I never felt the power of the divine in my many years being forced to attend Christian churches and Catholic masses.

This made me resent spirit, resent the idea of a higher power and laugh it off, saying, "Yeah, sure, talk to the invisible spirits in your head."

Christianity traumatizes so many of us that we totally reject the idea of a higher power and see this belief as fooling oneself, comforting oneself, creating a placebo effect. But scientists like Dr. Ellen Langer are illustrating via extensive research that the power of the mind, this placebo effect, is just as powerful as a pill or a medical treatment.

Before taking a leap of faith and practicing magick, I'd hear about others claiming that cocreation with spirit changed their life and I'd think, they're lying to themselves. They're crazy. If the scientific method can't prove the existence of other realms, of the divine, then it doesn't exist and you're having a schizophrenic break with reality, or some other medicalized term we use to explain the often invisible (to the untrained eye/ear/mind) forces flowing through and around us at all times.

The scientific method (an inherently isolating, exclusionary practice designed to only focus on one variable when reality is composed of limitless variables) was my religion, a notion reinforced by mainstream society.

Everything fell apart when I began warning other SW's about two predatory providers who dox/abuse anyone that threatens their extremely fragile self image.

(Yeah, yeah, I know you're tired of hearing about it but this traumatic series of events was integral in forcing me onto this path.)

Never threaten the image of malignant, image obsessed individuals with too much free time and no passions in life because they will do/say anything to silence and discredit/harm their victims. I can't currently discuss what exactly happened/is happening but it forced me to learn protection workings ("spells") and how to seek justice against abusers via magical means.

I also became very physically ill and was desperate enough to start following basic Wiccan practices like using smoke to cleanse myself (saning). I literally googled "How to cast a circle" and cracked open a book or two on magick, not knowing that the Wiccan perspective was the dominant magical practice, and that there was an entire world of power beyond the Wiccan way (I still use Wiccan techniques, but find that for truly oppressive situations, other ways of working are most effective for me).

And like that, born from trauma and powerlessness, a mystical, magickal being emerged.

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." - Khalil Gibran

What Is Magick?

Ra, the energy of the sun. An ancient force.
Ra, the energy of the sun. An ancient force.

If you're still reading this, then I'm saying something that's resonating with you and you're either already a practitioner or your ancestors want you to be a practitioner. Before I tell you what tools and techniques I've used to build prosperity in my life as a SW, I have to explain what magick is.

Let me give you a few definitions created by adepts in the practice:

"Magic is the science of the control of the secret forces of nature." (S. L. MacGregor Mathers)

"The movement of natural create needed change. Energy exists within all things-- ourselves, plants, stones, colors, sounds, movements. Magic is the process of rousing or building up this energy, giving it a purpose, and releasing it." (Scott Cunningham)

"Magick is the art and science of causing changes to occur in conformity with will" (Aleister Crowley)

The modern money and power based world teaches us that the scientific method and capitalism should be our higher powers. If the scientific method can't prove something, then that something doesn't exist. If all humans can't see or touch that thing, if it isn't materially verifiable, it is worthless and you're just fooling yourself. They created a few names for this: You're fooling yourself. Cognitive bias.

I've already mentioned the placebo effect, one of my personal favorites. (The placebo effect is a perfect example of magic = Willing something into existence via your own beautiful mind. Crowley would be proud).

First, I'm going to borrow a few concepts from the book True Magick by Amber K. because she is fantastic at drawing correlations between magic and modern science. According to her, there are four main foundational ideas about magic:

Energy is abundant.

Everything is connected.

Possibilities are infinite.

The path lies within you.

I recommend you read the chapter in her book explaining the scientific proofs behind these concepts because this blog isn't the place to delve deeply into physics and chemistry. Ya'll want practical information on generating prosperity and healing, not an in-depth analysis of Hermetic law and how modern science is beginning to illustrate the infinite power of energy (spirit) that can be manipulated at will.

Energy is abundant. Harness it.
Energy is abundant. Harness it.

A main tenant of energy work/magic (or "magick" if I'm feeling fancy) is that everything is connected. The Butterfly Effect is a concept many of us are familiar with: Small scale changes, a small act of energy manipulation, can effect change on a large scale. "As above, so below" is a common phrase in the earth-based spirituality realm. This phrase means many things to many people but for me, it means that the simple act of making changes at a micro level, like using the spirit of fire and the spirit of a bay leaf, will produce changes at the macro level.

Specifically what do I mean by this? Energy is abundant.

Therefore, everything from a flame to a plant has a specific energy or spirit that can be manipulated at will. Now, there are rules to this energy manipulation. It's common practice to "ask" the spirit of a plant whether or not it is willing to work with us. When I first heard this, I rolled my eyes. Yeah, sure, ask the invisible plant spirits for help.

If you aren't able to comprehend that everything created by nature or man has a spirit/energy, this work isn't for you. Or maybe it is... Just give it time.

But if you do resonate with this idea of abundant energy that's invisible to the human eye, but can be felt and seen by those trained in feeling this energy, read on. Modern physics theory posits that most energy is invisible to the human eye. We can only see a very small portion of the energy surrounding us. But that doesn't mean we can't manipulate this energy.

Ok, now we've reached the portion most of you have been waiting for. You already understand that you have the power to raise energy and change your world at will via visualization, thoughts, words and physical tools. Everything and everyone contains energy, so how do we turn this energy into prosperity?

Prepare to Practice

First, we must access our subconscious and the energy within. This otherworldly energy is thought to be our divine spirit, our higher selves. We cocreate with our higher selves by first altering our consciousness in a form of self hypnosis via incense smoke, wearing a special "holy" witchy outfit, chanting, meditating, and anything that brings our focus outside of our egotistical worries.

Christopher Penzack and many other respected adepts believe that consciousness must first be altered, our daily selves put away in order to access the divine energies that often lay dormant, hidden by daily anxieties.

I love using music to raise energy (Delta Rae have some beautifully dark southern gothic songs evoking the Goddess) partially because the gift of singing runs in my family and I've always been a gifted communicator, using the spirit of air (sound) to heal myself and others.

What can you do to take yourself outside of yourself? What pleases your inner child? Dancing, incense, and magical clothing are some of my favorite ways to raise energy. My ancestors love it when I sing because this is a gift passed down from generation to generation.

I underestimated the power of visualization for too long. Once I started visualizing during my magical workings, they increased in effectiveness. For example, when applying my homemade Self Love oil, I close my eyes and visualize this energy emanating from the spot I've applied it throughout my entire body while chanting, "I love myself now and forever."

(Pro tip: Many adepts understand that we'll never have true prosperity, love or happiness until we are 10000000% in love with ourselves so self love work, healing the wounds of an image obsessed society, should be integral to everyone's practice. Spirit will not bless us with generational wealth until we're ready to receive. If I don't truly love myself, I'd spend the money unwisely, attempting to fill the void of lacking self love with shopping/overspending and not valuing myself enough to spend my money in a way that benefits my highest good.)

Cleansing Unwanted Energy

You know how every annoying person online talks about saging or "smudging" themselves or their home? Since the beginning of time, smoke has been used with intention to remove negative energies from a person, object or space. I attended way too many Catholic masses against my will as a child and the Frankincense smoke priests would spread across prior to a service the church is a perfect example of Christians practicing magic without realizing it.

What they don't tell you is that this practice must be done with intention. Lighting a sage stick and running the smoke around my body ain't going to do shit if I'm not using my will, my thoughts, words and actions to make this smoke do what I need it to do.

The term "smudging" is stolen from indigenous folks so I use the Celtic term "saning" to describe the way I utilize smoke from various plants to clear energy. Sage is exploited and overused but I adore the soft texture and vibrant scent, as does spirit, so do use ethically sourced sage to cleanse myself, my tools and my space if I feel I need a deep clean. But a sage incense cone also does the trick most of the time.

Running the sage from head to toe three times (a powerful number, but that's a blog for a different day) while chanting the same phrase over and over is a form of self hypnosis and cleansing before ritual/spell work. I find that focusing on the back of my neck while visualizing a golden white light running down my spine while chanting "Gods, Goddesses, Ancestors, Spirit Guides" invokes their power to banish the bad stuff. But if I'm working with Santa Muerte, I switch my chant up to "Bendíceme, Protégeme, Guíame" (Bless me, Protect me, Guide me) because the powerful lady requires her own blessing.

After cleansing myself three times, I run the smoke over the tools I'll be using. Visualizing a golden light cleansing my plants, oils, etc. helps. I go counterclockwise (the direction used to banish/remove energy), starting from the open window/door, around the room while chanting and ensuring the smoke hits every corner of the space I'm working in. Saning an "X" with smoke across the door or window, visualizing the "X" as a golden light, protects my space.

But this negative energy we're clearing from our person, our tools and our space must go somewhere so I visualize a black smoke billowing from the open window/door while emphatically proclaiming, "By the power of Hecate (or La Santisima Muerte, the "Gods, Godesses, Ancestors" or whichever energy I feel connected with) I remove all negative energy!" three times, using my arms to push this negativity physically out.

Walking With the Spirit of Prosperity

I love using gold candles in prosperity work.
I love using gold candles in prosperity work.

I'm sorry ya'll, but this blog is long and I've probably lost a lot of readers by now. The exact techniques I use to build prosperity, like my Prosperity & Abundance Bath, will be described in the next blog post so people will actually read and digest the information. But I will tell you a few key behaviors I changed that helped me to walk with the spirit of prosperity.

Yes, prosperity is a spirit. If we say, "I'm broke" "I can't afford that" "I'm unlucky. I don't make enough money" then the universe will make it so. Our words are spells. An associate of mine always says, "With my luck... I won't get the job" "I'm unlucky" and I've told her a million times, you're cursing yourself by continually saying you have bad luck. Stop. But she doesn't stop, so I had to remove myself from engaging with them too often because this self defeating language can rub off on me.

One of my favorite spiritual podcast hosts and highly respected diviner, Papa Seer, discusses the concept of prosperity as, like everything on earth and amongst the cosmos, a spirit. This spirit walks with us when we create generational wealth and don't selfishly horde our money. I started saying, "I am now and forever creating generational wealth. I pay my blessings forward to marginalized women, other SW's, disabled folks, people of color, those who have experienced oppression," during my spells because the spirit of prosperity doesn't want us to only help ourselves.

It wants us to assist others. If we silently bless others, especially marginalized folks, with money and gifts then we too shall be further blessed.

The spirit of prosperity isn't selfish or about simply helping you buy that new car.

I don't want or have children, so I create generational wealth by anonymously paying forward my blessings, without ulterior motives (like those who use money to manipulate others) to other SW's who live life on an uneven playing field: women of color, trans SW's, disabled SW's. Those with health conditions. My writing these blogs to assist other SW's in growing prosperity also brings me more prosperity. Spirit is about helping, healing: The opposite of our money, power and greed obsessed world that has made all of us sick.

Changing my words from "I can't afford that!" to "I can't wait until I can afford that!" and speaking abundance into existence changed everything. True believers can curse an abusive, spiritually unprotected person simply by saying, "You are now and forever cursed."

Our words hold an undeniable power.

Your Bloodline is Divine

Please leave a comment on my Bluesky if you found something I posted here to be intriguing or have any feedback for me. I'm here to serve and pay forward my privileges and blessings. This blog isn't about enticing clients to book me. Yes, I occasionally write a sexy blog but generally my goal is to provide useful information for other SW's who are ready to hear this message and evolve.

I will leave something of value before my flame is snuffed out.

Like a snake shedding it's skin, something must die for our higher selves to be born. From great pain and trauma emerges a new, powerful and eternal flame. I was a different person a few years ago and, like everyone, made many mistakes in my life.

We pay the price, we wears our scars with pride and must die and be reborn into who we are meant to be.

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